Victor Hugo is one of the most valuable figures of the 19th century society in France; words are not only notable in his works of art, but also in politics. His best-known and appreciated novels are Les Miserables, 1862, and Notre-Dame de Paris, 1831, last one being my favorite since Walt Disney waved it at me through the Hunchback of Notre-Dame. For the lazy ones, Les Miserables has an adapted version from 1998, which I found inspiring and you can really capture the story and its essence.
Thus due to the period of time in which he was raised up to and to the fact that his father was a high-ranked militar, Hugo was strongly influenced since then by politics. However, the writer witnessed one of the most turmoil periods in both France and Europe's history, just imagine knowing Napoleon around, followed by the Bourbons again, being there when Europe was strucked by the massive European Revolution of '48, watching France turning from Republic to Empire over and over again as it would have been a game. Hugo tried to help the people as much as he could by speaking against the death penalty and social injustice, and in favour of freedom.
What makes me so fond of this artist is the bond he reveals regarding his motherland, through his poems, novels and most inspiring, his speeches. Devotion as a feature was proved and disapproved by Hugo. He married Adele, his childhood friend, but it is known that they had separated personal lifes, both being inlove with someone else. I could talk about these stories for ever.. He had devotion for his people, his beliefs, his mother and his favorite daughter, Leopoldine, who died very young. I was deeply touched by the stories I've heard relating to their bond. This bond is the ground for my admiration towards him as a person..
This beautiful apartment was designed by Hugo himself, each room, even the furniture! I was floating through the rooms, I was not stepping, I swear! Here it was, in a corner of place des Vosges, in the Hôtel de Rohan Guéménée, the apartment where Victor Hugo lived from 1832 – 1848, transformed into a museum in 1903, 101 years after his birth.

These are only some of many pictures I took.
Hugo inspired with his grandeur and genius millions of people all over the world for more then 2 centuries.
There was this energy which is so hard to conceive; we left the building in serenity and wonder of the moments and remembrances these rooms kept.
Thank you Nicoleta ! I'll check it out right away ! Lots of hugs and thank you for your kind words !